Health 4 Life

A Healthy Life With


This 6 Bedroom gadfly

Posted by Health 4 Life

Things become a gadfly to sleep:

   1.Health Condition

     If you can not memejamkan eyes almost every night, it's likely you experience insomnia is very large. According to a research report from the University of Oklahoma, 75 to 80 percent of people who have trouble sleeping problems associated with acute health conditions. The rest can be caused by interference arthritis, allergy, and the condition of external bodies, such as a room or a summer dress. 
     Even sleep disturbances can also cause you to experience apnea, a condition that makes you stopped breathing for about 30 seconds. Consumption of a wide range of drugs can also cause you to experience sleep disturbances.

   2.Too noisy and Light

    Voters are clearly too strong to disrupt the concentration you rest. But does not close the possibility of wave tone soft process can also help you rest easier and healthier. 
In addition, light that is not too light can also make you break the process to be more perfect. A Joyce Walsleben PhD, said the condition is relatively quiet and not too light will affect the fast eye movement. In addition, your body will also produce melatonin, a hormone that helps you dream.


    Of all know that caffeine can keep you awake. Caffeine is still the most effective drugs for people who are mad workplace. Walsleben remind you not to consume food or beverages containing caffeine after noon.

   4.Alcohol and Cigarettes

    If you want to relax with healthy habits have to keep at alcohol and smoking, especially at night. Maybe some more visible drunkard lelap time sleeping, but excessive alcohol consumption will still make you sleep is not healthy because it will make you sleep longer. 
Please also note that suck cigarette habit can cause disruption of health, because the influence of nicotine stimulus that will make you always awake.

   5.Environmental conditions that Bad

    requires a conducive place to make you sleep well and comfortable. Keep things that can make you split concentration. Do not usually watch television or read newspapers, because it will stimulate your mind and brain. In addition, the room you need ideal (ideally is 69 degrees), and use a soft clothes.


    Sometimes the genes from your father or mother also makes you experience sleep disturbances. Walsleben says, gen predispotition factors can also make someone experiencing sleep disturbances. One of the sleep disruption caused by narcolepsy is gen interference, conditions that can cause you to easily and sleep longer time because of a component genes.

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     Dark night of secretly collaborating with the body. Only in circumstances that are really dark body produces Melantonin, one of the hormones in the immune system that is able to fight and prevent various diseases including cancer and breast cancer prostat. Conversely, sleep with the lights on at night Day - a sinarnya any cause hormone production melantonin stopped.
    Biolog Joan Roberts found this after secret experiments on animals. When the animals were given artificial light at night Day, melantoninnya decreased and the body's immune system weakened. Apparently, light lamp - as well as TV - the hormone became very tired. By consequence, in addition to saving energy, turning off the lights when the bed is a natural way to improve the health of the body.

The types of sleep disturbances that can be experienced by anyone who are:
  1. Jet-lag. There is a change in the time between day and night due to a sudden trip to the aircraft. This can disrupt the rhythm sirkadian body.
  2. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Caffeine nicotine which can cause too many difficulties to sleep. This condition often experienced by coffee drinker, smoker, alcohol and opium.
  3. Environmental factors. Boom sound of loud music, the sound of factory noise, sleep with the lights that light up, it will cause someone to sleep to be disturbed.

Efforts that can be done to overcome sleep disturbances include:
  1. Avoid foods with high sugar (honey, syrup), contain caffeine (coffee, cocoa, tea), cigarettes, or alcohol, before bedtime.
  2. Sleep and wake up on a regular time each day.
  3. Use the bed only for sleep and intimate relations. Not for other activities such as studying, working, reading, exercises, and so forth.
  4. Sports will make a regular bed to be more comfortable and convenient. Similarly for women, pregnant, exercise can reduce the incidence of leg cramps down.
  5. Always sleep in a dark environment without a light on.
  6. Do not use sleeping pills because it can cause side effects such as memory disturbances, less alert.
  7. Consult to the doctor, the doctor may need to give advice or certain drugs such as melatonin, hormone estrogen, and so forth.

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The Cause of Sleep Disturbances in Women are

Posted by Health 4 Life

The cause of sleep disturbances in women are :

  • Psychological stress. There are family members who died, the test, traffic accidents, dropping out of love. Statistically, 34% of women experience this is often compared to 22% in men. The possibility of women as more sensitive.
  • Sleep Disorders partners. Approximately 17% of women complain that difficult to sleep because the partners have a sleep habits snore and only 5% of men complained of similar.
  • Night workers, nurses, hospitals, night watchman, factory labor. They are working on the evening of Day appeared to experience more frequent sleep disturbances. Women workers in this more often also experience menstrual cycle disturbances, and is difficult to get pregnant.
  • Associated with menstruation. Progesteron hormones cause a feeling of calm and sense of drowsiness. Progesteron make hormone increased the ovulasi, which is more or less on Day 12-14 of the menstrual cycle. Some women experience a feeling of weakness and the feeling of excessive drowsiness.
Sleep disturbances occur when the hormones start progesteron began to decrease, which is several days before the coming of menstruation (Days 22-28 of the menstrual cycle). Women will become more frequent, less sleep soundly, or awakened with a feeling that is not fresh.

  • Associated with pregnancy. During pregnancy there is also the changes that can disrupt sleep. At 1-3 months of pregnancy, increased hormone progesteron, the feeling of drowsiness in some women. Rahim began pushing up the bladder, so that pregnant women often awakened several times to chew.
At 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, hormones start progesteron stable. Rahim is no longer urgent bladder. Pregnant women will experience the period of sleep-the most delicious. There are almost no sleep disturbance at the age of this pregnancy.>
At 7-9 weeks of pregnancy, start going to sleep disturbances. There is a feeling of heat in the chest, feeling sick, nose, which clog, cramp in the leg down, more often chew make disrupt sleep quality and quantity of pregnant women. Approximately 97% of women will become more frequent and difficult night to sleep again. 30% of women who will never sleep with the snore snore.
  • The period of menopause. Hormone estrogen production starts to decline, making 30% -40% of women more often awakened in the middle of the night because a lot of sweat, feel the heart throb, or a sense of relief in the hot head and chest.

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Health Benefit Breakfast for the body

Posted by Health 4 Life

Many people may not be aware, that breakfast is actually one of the secret to maintaining health. No matter how busy you are, it is important to fill the fuel for your body so that energy throughout the day you met. Breakfast provides energy to the capital to do your activities throughout the day. In fact, other than to provide energy in the body, breakfast also has another benefit that is not less important.

Here are some benefits from the breakfast:

  1. Regenerate after metabolism through the night - Breakfast is considered as an important time to eat because of the time that is not filled night of food and increase your sugar needs. Sugar is a source of energy is absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. In the morning, after you do not consume food for 12 hours, the substance of sugar in your body down to the lowest level. When this happens, your body releases substances to replace sugar that has been ditimbun in liver and muscle layer, which is called glycogen.
  2. Useful to decrease body weight - During sleep your body 12 hours fasting all night, and in the morning you are in the first stage feel hungry. Skip breakfast to make your body stay 'in hunger,' foods that are good will increase metabolism. If you are in an effort to reduce body weight, the last thing you want to do you a low level of metabolism. Healthy breakfast food will improve the ability of fat burning in your body. Further, breakfast can increase your level of energy metabolism throughout the day.
  3. Add essential nutrients and overall energy level - Breakfast provides significan proportion Feed for total nutrition throughout the day, and offers the opportunity to consume food of nutrients such as iron, vitamins and fiber. Essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can only be obtained from food.
  4. Give your brain the fuel to increase the concentration - Breakfast improve your ability to think and keeping you in the best mental appearance. Breakfast provides fuel for the brain to improve your skills in problem solving and memory.
  5. Avoid eating not controlled - with a good breakfast will keep you from feeling hungry excess, which can prevent you from over-eating in the day. Food consumed at breakfast are able to withstand high fat and calories from food throughout the day. When you leave your breakfast, you will tend to shift with the hunger ngemil sepajang morning to the lunch. And this will encourage you to find another bolt on the coffee, or drink that is capable of increasing energy.



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     Exercise is an important organ that has several functions, among as the central body metabolism, the process of protein needed for thrombosis, discard the results that are not used and the filter 
(detoxification) toxic substances in the blood.

     Hepatitis or liver inflammation is a process of heart on the network. This disease is known to the liver disease, lever disease, or jaundice.

Symptoms Heart Function Disorders

  1. The incidence of yellow on the eyes, skin, nails, a hand, and urine.
  2. Body feels weak.

  • Viruses, bacteria, parasites, medicines, chemicals, alcohol, nutrition or worms bad.
  • Buy food careless habits (increase the risk of hepatitis virus infected).
  • Work and sports activities often cause excessive fatigue, 
    which ultimately can disrupt the heart's health and make work 

Symptoms of cirrhosis Exercise

Posted by Health 4 Life

     "If you drink alcohol more than two glasses a day, will suffer heart damage in 30 years. While drinking alcohol if it is uncontrollable, that damage will occur earlier, "said Professor Paul Haber from Sydney's Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Australia.

     Liver cirrhosis occurs when the network form as a wound response to damage liver cells in a sequence. Injury is called fibrosis, which disrupt the flow of blood and prevent the heart working in the body's immune function, digestion, prevent thrombosis, and process the alcohol and other poisons.

What symptoms

     There are no early symptoms of cirrhosis clearly visible on the liver. Cirrhosis occurs only when the damage is severe. Signs of illness:
  1. Skin and eye color of white colors.
  2. Fatigue.
  3. Stomach pain in the upper right.
  4. Appetite and body weight decreased.
  5. Bleeding because of decreased ability freezing.
  6. Legs or stomach swell.
  7. Breast up on men.
  8. Arise in the red whelk, or in the hands.

How treated
  1. There is no treatment for cirrhosis. You can stop the headway of disease and restore the damage to the heart if the treatment as early as possible. 
  2. Stop alcohol consumption, treat Hepatitis B and C, exercise, and diet to control your body weight can restore a number of effects cirrhosis. That's advice. Jacob George, hepatolog from Sydney's Westmead Hospital.
  3. Medication can be given to certain people. When liver disease is already in the final stages, the last hope is a transplant.
  4. Liver transplantation can not be patient with cirrhosis because of alcohol and most still continue the bad habit.
  5. Increase the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer was increased depending on the cause of the disease.

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Main causes of liver damage are

Posted by Health 4 Life

Main causes of liver damage are:

  1. Night sleep and wake up too the day too is the main cause of.
  2. Does not dispose of water in the morning.
  3. Eating pattern that is too excessive.
  4. No breakfast.
  5. Consume too many drugs.
  6. Consume too much preservative, additional substances, coloring substances, artificial sweetener.
  7. Oil that is not healthy! Wherever possible reduce cooking oil use fry food at this 
    also apply even though the best cooking oil such as olive oil though. Do not consume fried foods when we are in a tired condition, except in conditions of the body fit.
  8. Consume raw cuisine (very mature) also increase the burden of heart . Vegetables eaten raw or done 3 / 5 part. Vegetables should be eaten a fried-out at that time also, not saved.


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Ingredients that are known poison heart:
• Alpine Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) 
• Herb Mercury (Mercurialis annua) 
• Sweet Clover (Melilotus officianalis) 
• trailing Arbutus (Epigae repens) 
• Woodruff (Galium odorata) 
• Cayenne 
• Schissandra chinensis 
• Tonka Beans (Dipteryx odorata) 
• Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) 
• Bear berry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

The herb should be avoided - may poison the heart:
• Plants of the genus Senecio, Crotolaria and Heliotropium 
• Alkanna (Alkanna tinctoria) 
• Chaparral (Larrea tridentata) 
• Comfrey (Symphytum officinale and S. uplandicum) 
• Dusty Miller (Senecio cineraria) 
• Forget-me-Not (Myosotis cineraria) 
• Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) 
• Borage (Borago officianalis) 
• Colts Foot (Tussilago farfara) 
• Dong Quai (Angelica polymorpha) 
• ephedra, also known as Ma Huang or Mormon Tea (ephedra sinica) 
• Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) 
• Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) 
• Hops (Humulus lupulus) 
• Life Root (Senecio aureus and S. nemorensis) 
• Mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum and Viscum album) 
• Petasites (Petasites hybridus) 
• Ragwort (Senecio jacobea) 
• Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) 
• Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe) 
• Jin Bu huan (Lycopodium serratum) 
• Mormon Tea (Ephedra nevadensis) 
• Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) 
• Pokerroot (Phytolacca americana) 
• Rue (Ruta graveolens) 
• Skullcap (Scutellaria laterfolia)

Ingredients that may be useful and are considered safe:
• artichoke (Cynara scolymus) 
• Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) 
• Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) proposed that not be used long-term 
• Maitake (Grfloa frondosa) 
• Peppermint (Mentha piperata) 
• soybean (Glycine soja) 
• California Poppy (Escholtzia californica) 
• Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) 
• Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)

(Quoted from the HCV Advocate).


Sensitive Skin Face

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Skin that suddenly squeeze when using certain products Foam facial, or skin that clean and mulus sudden pustular only because one of the cosmetics products so that the face could be damaged is a sign of the beginning of our sensitive skin face.

     Sensitive skin can not be beauty products markets. Because the pigment in the skin will immediately react with chemicals in the cosmetics. If this is left to continue, will cause the face is broken and does not smooth anymore. Usually sensitive skin face make quickly to red if the cosmetics that are used do not match. Feels sore, and will then appear red spots that lead to skin irritation becomes easily infected.

     Therefore, the selection of the type of cosmetic face the right is needed. Here are some things that can be used as a guide.

1. Before buying cosmetics, see the type and the fetus has to avoid the incidence of allergy or irritation on the skin of the face. Type of waterproof mascara (waterproof), for example, that resilience has a powerful and does not dissolve when exposed to water. However, this mascara require special fluid that can be cleared completely. Fluid can raise the womb of a nearby oil on the skin, so sensitive to the type of skin it would increase the risk of irritation occur. Try using baby oil as a replacement fluid, and that abortion is relatively safe to use.

2. Choose Tabur powder for daily use because it is relatively safe for sensitive skin face.

3. Hygiene became the main face to keep sensitive skin remain healthy. For that, wash your face regularly with soap special face, especially after traveling or using the trappings face. In addition, cosmetic hygiene tool you need any.

4. Given the sensitive skin is very easy to react when exposed to bacteria, usually not to borrow or lend your makeup tools on other people. This is one way to maintain hygiene.

5. Note also the expiration date of each of the cosmetic products to avoid harmful impacts. There are several standard expiration date on cosmetic products, such as base powder and lipstick usually aged one year and two years for powder and eye coloring.

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Changes in the skin every 28 days

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Outermost layer of skin is the epidermis (stratum corneum) which is thin as onion skin. Underneath is a different organ that has been referred to earlier. The network is again in the thick of fat. The next layer of muscle (meat) and bones, which is not part of the skin. Once every 28 days the skin cells (from the article health) will make the changes or rejuvenate themselves. Skin cells that form spheroidal make rise to the surface of the skin and change the form of a gepeng, before eventually die and become part of the layer of epidermis.

     In the cases (from health articles) that ripen the skin, which otherwise occur. "Safeguard the cortex contains cells of living skin, the layer of the vessel and various gland, low. The epidermis layer is thick, because the cells in the skin of dead or dakinya continue to pile up," said Edwin Juanda.
     In article Edwin skin health is also a view that the right to remove the dead skin layer does not occur automatically, and will burn even if held in a long time. That is also the case, remove the skin needs to be done specifically, as clean skin care day-to-day course will not be able to remove dead skin.
     However, according to Edwin (articles of skin health), does not mean there is no hope for people with early penuaan get back healthy skin. There are several ways you can do. For example, The speck that is very small (freckles) can be removed with the release-use tool that is very smooth. "The speck To more accurately the wide use cream bleach be smeared in the night," he said. He reminded, the use of cream bleach must be done carefully and under the supervision of a doctor skin. The use of excessive, especially in a long time, thus making the skin look dark.

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Caring for Skin?

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Skin is the body that touch directly with all the things outside the body, such as weather, sun or the other. Skin is also the first thing visible when you start experiencing penuaan. You do have rights in your skin care. There are a few tricks to treat your skin remain fresh and beautiful.

     Protection Against Sun. The sun has a major role in skin damage. You need to protect the skin from the sun to prevent skin into old age. The sun is very influential in creating wrinkled skin, dry skin and make the color change. Thinning skin, skin texture, skin and the depletion of the skin associated with sun exposure, so you can make your skin look much older. So, start protecting your skin with a sun protective cream.
     Avoid Smoking. Smoking not only causes lung cancer but also can make skin dull and wrinkled. According to some research there is a strong presumption that the nicotine in cigarettes have the same influence on the withdrawal elastin sun.
     Sport. In line with increasing age, is impossible hide the signs behind the skin to become older. Neck, cheeks and corners of the eyes was the most easily visible when increasing old age. In order to improve the skin's appearance, you must balance between diet and exercise regularly. In addition you must also be diligent drinking water is white, at least eight to ten glasses each day.
     Magic Smiles Own Benefit. Your face tends to adjust the position of the expression that you take all the time. If you are more often sullen or morose, your skin will be more likely to quickly lined eyes, especially in the area, perimeter and corner of the lips or other lines that follow the current grim expression. A smile can create wonders for your skin and make a well-preserved as well. So to avoid the old so fast, you need to do is smile more.
     Skin Care. Caring for your skin is very important. You should immediately wash your face every time out after the blazing sun. Peeling the skin with a scrub regularly, at least 2 times a week, will help lift the cells off the skin and dirt that stick to the skin so that it can breathe more freely and more bright.
     Sleeping position. Bedroom with telungkup position may cause the wrinkle. In addition, avoid sleeping with a fixed position throughout the night, this can cause your skin knotted. You need to sleep at least 8 hours each day.

Maintaining Skin Health

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Skin of healthy people will look more fresh and young. Especially for women who want to look beautiful and ageless, and skin health one of the most important that must be observed.

1. Do not Smoking
   Smoking will damage the skin in small circulation, thus making the skin look dull and not bright. Adding wrinkles on the skin, especially on the skin around the mouth.
2. Balanced diet
   Diet with healthy food that is balanced, contains many vegetables and fruits to meet the adequacy of vitamin, mineral and anti-oxidation.
3. Sports
   Sports that will be organized and make skin healthy body weight is ideal.
4. Adequate sleep
   Sleep is necessary to improve the body's cells are damaged, including skin cells. Make skin and body back fresh.
5. Reduce Alcohol Consumption
   Excessive consumption of alcohol can also damage the heart.
6. Protect from sun rays
   Danger of sunlight is ultraviolet A rays that emanated, which can damage the skin collagen network. Thin skin and wrinkles occur easily.
7. Manage Stress
   Stress can damage health in addition, will also affect the face and form of your body.


Due to Smoking

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Negative consequences of smoking, indeed have started to feel the new start time suck cigarettes. 
     Cigarette smoke in the coal as snuff, tobacco burned so that the less perfect produce CO (carbon mono oxide), 
that in addition to its own smoke, tar and nikotine (which is also from the burning of tobacco) breathe into the breath way.

CO, tar, nicotine and the effect on the nerve that causes: 
- Nervous, trembling hands (tremor) 
- Cita sense / taste food reduced 
- Mother-pregnant women who smoke like the possibility of abortion can abortion.

Cigarette smoke and tar 
Tar and cigarette smoke stimulates the way the breath, and tar is buried in the channel that cause: 
- Coughing, coughing or shortness of breath 
- Stick to the tar road in the breath can cause cancer the way the breath, tongue or lips.

Nicotine adrenalin hormones that stimulate the child's kidney is causing: 
- Heart throb 
- Improving blood pressure and cholesterol level in blood, close to the tang of a heart attack.

CO gas (Carbon Mono oxide) 
CO gas is also a negative effect on the way the breath from the blood vessel.

Carbon mono oxide more easily bound to the hemoglobin than oxygen 
      Therefore, the blood of people who possessed a lot of CO, will be reduced lift for oxygen and people can die because the virulence of carbon mono oxide. 
At a smoker will not occur until the CO poisoned, but the influence of CO by smokers who breathe with little by little, 
with the slow but sure will be a negative effect on the way the breath and blood on the vessel.

Maintain Healthy Eyes

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Eyes is one of the senses of the human body is very complex and vision to work. Although its function for human life is important, but less frequently observed, so many diseases that attack the eyes not treated well and cause blindness and vision disturbances.

     To prevent blindness, it is to crash each time in the eyes, flee consult a physician. Also recommended for eyes examined each year to the doctor, together with the routine health checks in general. So, the doctor may treat early disease and prevent a more severe disruption to-interference that occurs in the eye that can interfere with the activity to cause blindness. Routine eye examination can be performed more frequently in those with a family history of eye diseases such as high pressure eyeball (glukoma) or cataracts at a young age.
     Disturbances of vision are the most commonly experienced is dim, can be a dim far, less clear view of the generally close to those experienced over 40 years, or a mixture of both. All kinds of dim eye on its core focus is the interference of reflection to see. see less clearly can be overcome by using glass eyes or contact lenses.
     In addition, disturbances of vision that is often experienced astigmatism, the aberration in the eye so that light emission from the 1 point 1 does not fall on the point of focus, which causes sight to become blurred. Astigmatism can be corrected with eye glass or contact lenses.
     Disturbances of vision and astigmatism can also be treated with the advances in technology that can edit aberration eye surgery with the use refraktif ray laser (LASIK) by the ophthalmologist, so that people with astigmatism can be dim and free from the use of glass eyes or contact lenses.

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How to Maintain Eight Easy Healthy Eyes

Posted by Health 4 Life

1. Check the eyes every 12 minutes 
Problems not the vision that will develop the more severe, and wearing contact lenses or glasses are no longer suitable for you can cause vision problems and headaches.

2. In summer, use glasses 
UV rays can create serious damage to the eye. A good optician can help prevent this. When buying glasses, make sure that you can reflect at least 98% UV radiation.

3. Eat a good nutrition for you and your eyes 
Recent studies indicate that this group of vitamins and antioxidants can prevent, or at least slow the growth and degeneration makular cataracts. Nutrition is good for the body is also good for the eyes.

4. If you read or work computer use, make sure the light right 
Working with minimal light can cause eye fatigue, but the light is too bright is not good. The light works best if the computer is from the soft starlight table lamp from the side. Reduce the light level (brightness) monitor. So the color is not too sharp, but the eyes will be more comfortable.

5. Rest your eyes 
Almost all people feel their eyes is not so comfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due 25% eyes blink less than normal, so that causes dry eyes. One thing you can do is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening it again. This is another turn of the screen and focus on an object far away, as often as possible.

6. Find a contact lens with good quality 
Not all contact lenses the same. It's a safe for your eyes, and there is also a risk of eye damage. Know what the industry offered a modern contact lenses will help to make a wise choice, not simply follow what the doctor said.

7. If you wear contact lenses, treated with either 
Contact lenses are not making so, but you also can not ignore kebersihannya. Each time you use or will deliver your contact lenses, Rinse. You must also change the fluid, when you put in place when you sleep at night.

8. Wear contact lenses according to the recommended schedule 
There are people who intend to save the wear contact lenses longer than intended. This is not a good thing. Although the power does not use the lens will be reduced, protein mass can obscure your vision. Another thing that must be considered is, the longer you wear your contact lenses, the higher your risk of eye infection.

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Posted by Health 4 Life

     Gastritis or ulcer occurs in the stomach organ. Organ is located in the left thoracic cavity with a sloping position to the bottom, stick to the right near Ulu heart. Sometimes people affected by this disease will be appointed or hold the left side of the stomach or heart Ulu, right under the breastbone. 

     Gastritis or inflammation of a stomach, initially because of excessive stomach acid. Stomach acid that helps the stomach even stomach hurt. Stomach acid damage the stomach wall itself, because the nature of the corrosive acid (erase). Factors that trigger excessive stomach acid production, including some chemical substances, such as alcohol, drugs generally brace pain, sour vinegar. Also, some foods and beverages that are sour, food with a sour flavor, and so forth. Spicy food and spices that stimulates, such as ginger, pepper, will also trigger the production of stomach acid. 

     The principle is handling the food or diet. Do not leave the stomach empty long situation.

This situation can lead to an empty stomach acid that is produced does not have any material for a digilas digested, and in the end wall of the stomach itself become the target. 
Do not consume too much food or beverages, spicy and sour. Avoid fatty foods almost every day I eat gado-gado with peanut flavor is full of fat), because fat is digested by stomach difficult. In addition, food should tektur soft (software). 
     Frequent drinking water-often white, because it can reduce the nature of the acid food or drink it. Reduce consume tea, coffee or soft drink. The portion of food should not be too many, often tetapisedikit with frequency. 
     When you need to consume drugs pain barrier (analgetik), it should be drunk after eating and not in a state of empty.


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     Laryngitis throat mean wall thick or swollen, more red color, have white spots and a pain when you swallow food.

What causes laryngitis? 
- Virus, 80% sore throat caused by a virus, can cause fever. 
- Cough and cold. Where cough and phlegm (nasal mucus) can make the throat irritation.
- Coxsackie virus (hand, foot and mouth disease). 
- Alergies. Allergies can cause mild irritation of the throat chronic (live).
- Bacteria streptokokus, ascertained with the Culture of the throat. The test is generally conducted in the laboratory using the patient's throat Wipe. Can be found from the classical symptoms such as bacteria streptokokus great pain when swallow, visible white spots, vomiting, purulent in tonsil gland, along with tonsil gland enlargement.
- Smoking. 
      Most sore throat caused by infection of the two types of viruses and bacteria. Approximately 80% caused by a sore throat virus and only about 10-20% because of the bacteria. To be able to cope, it is important to know that experienced infections caused by viruses or bacteria streptokokus. 
     Virus infection is usually the causes of influenza (flu) and influenza, which then lead to the occurrence of sore throat. Influenza usually recover itself around a week so your body forms antibody against the virus. 
     Treatment with antibiotics will not be effective to treat the virus infection. Instead, the antibiotics can cause resistance or immunity against the bacteria to antibiotics. When the bacteria have been immune to antibiotics, when we use antibiotics, is not more effective in killing bacteria. As a result, the disease that affects not be healed. 

Identify the common symptoms of sore throat due to virus infection as follows: 
  1. feeling itchy and sore or dry. 
  2. coughing and sneezing. 
  3. a little fever or without fever. 
  4. hoarse or raspy voice.
  5. nose, runny nose and fluid in the back of the nose.

High Blood

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Hypertension or High Blood (Hypertension) is a situation where someone experienced increased blood pressure above normal indicated by the number of systolic (the top) and the bottom number (diastolic) blood pressure checks on the blood using blood pressure gauge in the form of both silver cuff (sphygmomanometer) or other digital equipment.
     High blood pressure is one of the red light in the most clearly indicates a problem in the heart and blood vessel someone. When someone suffering from diagnosed high blood pressure he has a seven-fold likelihood of suffering from stroke, four times to get heart attack and five-fold likelihood ali died because of heart failure. In the positive note, there are steps have been evidenced in the control high blood pressure and even reverse the damage, the damage has occurred. Let us first study what is high blood pressure before discussing how to control. Blood pressure is the force issued by the heart in the blood at the time engaged in a blood vessel. When someone suffering from high blood pressure means the heart pumping more weight than they should. The healthy blood pressure ranges below 120/80, or better below 110/76.


Posted by Health 4 Life

     Flu symptoms are arising because of influenza or the common is also known by the name of the flu and infectious diseases caused by RNA viruses from the family orthomyxoviridae. 
     Flu not the only attack humans but also animals.
    Colds can be caused by an infection from the virus or bacteria. If the infection is so cold that accompanies the beginning symptoms of disease. The cause allergic reactions because of alergen (dust, fiber, fur, etc.) with the body's defense substances causing substances released mediators. This reaction resulted in swelling of mucous in the nose such as nasal congestion, increased mucus sekresi-sneezing and sneezing.


Posted by Health 4 Life

Influenza is an infectious disease that is transmitted through the air with the medium of people sneezing. 
  • sudden fever.
  •  asthma.
  •  runny nose
  •  sore throat
  • cough
  • muscle pain and headache
  • sneezing.


Posted by Health 4 Life

Cholesterol is a fat-specific form of the chemical structure steroida. 
In the body, cholesterol contribute to the making of the cell membrane, bile salt, kortikosteroid hormones, and sex hormones. 
Cholesterol can actually be made by the body, but the amount is 20%. 
The rest, cholesterol is made from materials outside the body, namely the form of food with carbohydrate source.

Moldy in the mouth?

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Fungus infection in the mouth cavity? Perhaps not everyone had heard. What I like and fungus infections in the mouth, the infection is most often found, and what importance for our health? 

     Is the fungus infection can make the mouth? 
True, fungi can cause infections in the mouth cavity. Fungus infection that occurs most often is an infection caused by Candida fungi, especially Candida albicans. Infections caused by fungi called Candida Candidiasis. 

     Why can Candida albicans in the oral cavity? 
Candida albicans is the microorganisms that normally found in the mouth cavity. Oral cavity in 50% of a population of healthy people found Candida albicans. Usually, Candida albicans is often found in the back of the tongue surface. Candida albicans is often found at: 

• Women's 
• blood type is O 
• The consumption of high carbohydrate diet 
• Serostomia (dry mouth) 
• Use of broad spectrum antibiotic drug 
• Wearing dentures 
• Smokers 
• Patients with the body's defense interference
• Patients who were treated overnight 

     Like what Candidiasis picture in the mouth cavity? 
Candidiasis in the mouth cavity there are several types. Often happens is that Candidiasis pseudomembranosa acute and Candidiasis associated with the use of false teeth (called Denture stomatitis). In the first type, a closed mouth looks soft layer of white. This white coating resembling or spillage susu susu head. If in the scrub, white layer is lost and can be found under the area of redness or color can also bleed. Candidiasis is the type often associated with the use of medication type antibiotics, steroid, and in patients with dry mouth conditions. 

     Candidiasis pesudomembranosa acute this can also occur in infants. It is important to note is that this type often found in patients with the body's defense system disturbances, such as in leukemia patients, other violence, HIV-positive patients and patients who are get immunosuppressive drugs (crushing defense response body). 

     Denture stomatitis is a type of Candidiasis is often found on the dentures. On this type, not the white layer of software but the reddish-colored area indicate the existence of inflammation, in the area a closed mouth false teeth. This type occurs more frequently in older people. 

     Candidiasis, what needs to be wary? 
On healthy people, will not cause Candida infection because there is a balance between the fungi and bacteria in the mouth cavity. So, if Candida infection occurs, the need to alert the public health disturbances person. The need to be careful is the body's defense system disturbances, such as the HIV-positive patients. In the case of HIV infection, Candidiasis is not caused by infection HIVnya but because the decrease in the number of rows of white blood cell (limfosit CD4) that is useful in the body's defense against Candida infections. 

     Candidiasis, how to address them? 
Candidiasis can often recover by itself, so the required anti-fungus treatment by a doctor or dentist. In addition, should also be done the following actions: 

• Avoid or reduce consumption of cigarettes 
• local factors, for example: the condition of dry mouth need to be addressed (consult with your doctor or your dentist) 
• Maintain and repair the oral hygiene, dental hygiene, including false.