Health 4 Life

A Healthy Life With


This 6 Bedroom gadfly

Posted by Health 4 Life

Things become a gadfly to sleep:

   1.Health Condition

     If you can not memejamkan eyes almost every night, it's likely you experience insomnia is very large. According to a research report from the University of Oklahoma, 75 to 80 percent of people who have trouble sleeping problems associated with acute health conditions. The rest can be caused by interference arthritis, allergy, and the condition of external bodies, such as a room or a summer dress. 
     Even sleep disturbances can also cause you to experience apnea, a condition that makes you stopped breathing for about 30 seconds. Consumption of a wide range of drugs can also cause you to experience sleep disturbances.

   2.Too noisy and Light

    Voters are clearly too strong to disrupt the concentration you rest. But does not close the possibility of wave tone soft process can also help you rest easier and healthier. 
In addition, light that is not too light can also make you break the process to be more perfect. A Joyce Walsleben PhD, said the condition is relatively quiet and not too light will affect the fast eye movement. In addition, your body will also produce melatonin, a hormone that helps you dream.


    Of all know that caffeine can keep you awake. Caffeine is still the most effective drugs for people who are mad workplace. Walsleben remind you not to consume food or beverages containing caffeine after noon.

   4.Alcohol and Cigarettes

    If you want to relax with healthy habits have to keep at alcohol and smoking, especially at night. Maybe some more visible drunkard lelap time sleeping, but excessive alcohol consumption will still make you sleep is not healthy because it will make you sleep longer. 
Please also note that suck cigarette habit can cause disruption of health, because the influence of nicotine stimulus that will make you always awake.

   5.Environmental conditions that Bad

    requires a conducive place to make you sleep well and comfortable. Keep things that can make you split concentration. Do not usually watch television or read newspapers, because it will stimulate your mind and brain. In addition, the room you need ideal (ideally is 69 degrees), and use a soft clothes.


    Sometimes the genes from your father or mother also makes you experience sleep disturbances. Walsleben says, gen predispotition factors can also make someone experiencing sleep disturbances. One of the sleep disruption caused by narcolepsy is gen interference, conditions that can cause you to easily and sleep longer time because of a component genes.

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     Dark night of secretly collaborating with the body. Only in circumstances that are really dark body produces Melantonin, one of the hormones in the immune system that is able to fight and prevent various diseases including cancer and breast cancer prostat. Conversely, sleep with the lights on at night Day - a sinarnya any cause hormone production melantonin stopped.
    Biolog Joan Roberts found this after secret experiments on animals. When the animals were given artificial light at night Day, melantoninnya decreased and the body's immune system weakened. Apparently, light lamp - as well as TV - the hormone became very tired. By consequence, in addition to saving energy, turning off the lights when the bed is a natural way to improve the health of the body.

The types of sleep disturbances that can be experienced by anyone who are:
  1. Jet-lag. There is a change in the time between day and night due to a sudden trip to the aircraft. This can disrupt the rhythm sirkadian body.
  2. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Caffeine nicotine which can cause too many difficulties to sleep. This condition often experienced by coffee drinker, smoker, alcohol and opium.
  3. Environmental factors. Boom sound of loud music, the sound of factory noise, sleep with the lights that light up, it will cause someone to sleep to be disturbed.

Efforts that can be done to overcome sleep disturbances include:
  1. Avoid foods with high sugar (honey, syrup), contain caffeine (coffee, cocoa, tea), cigarettes, or alcohol, before bedtime.
  2. Sleep and wake up on a regular time each day.
  3. Use the bed only for sleep and intimate relations. Not for other activities such as studying, working, reading, exercises, and so forth.
  4. Sports will make a regular bed to be more comfortable and convenient. Similarly for women, pregnant, exercise can reduce the incidence of leg cramps down.
  5. Always sleep in a dark environment without a light on.
  6. Do not use sleeping pills because it can cause side effects such as memory disturbances, less alert.
  7. Consult to the doctor, the doctor may need to give advice or certain drugs such as melatonin, hormone estrogen, and so forth.

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The Cause of Sleep Disturbances in Women are

Posted by Health 4 Life

The cause of sleep disturbances in women are :

  • Psychological stress. There are family members who died, the test, traffic accidents, dropping out of love. Statistically, 34% of women experience this is often compared to 22% in men. The possibility of women as more sensitive.
  • Sleep Disorders partners. Approximately 17% of women complain that difficult to sleep because the partners have a sleep habits snore and only 5% of men complained of similar.
  • Night workers, nurses, hospitals, night watchman, factory labor. They are working on the evening of Day appeared to experience more frequent sleep disturbances. Women workers in this more often also experience menstrual cycle disturbances, and is difficult to get pregnant.
  • Associated with menstruation. Progesteron hormones cause a feeling of calm and sense of drowsiness. Progesteron make hormone increased the ovulasi, which is more or less on Day 12-14 of the menstrual cycle. Some women experience a feeling of weakness and the feeling of excessive drowsiness.
Sleep disturbances occur when the hormones start progesteron began to decrease, which is several days before the coming of menstruation (Days 22-28 of the menstrual cycle). Women will become more frequent, less sleep soundly, or awakened with a feeling that is not fresh.

  • Associated with pregnancy. During pregnancy there is also the changes that can disrupt sleep. At 1-3 months of pregnancy, increased hormone progesteron, the feeling of drowsiness in some women. Rahim began pushing up the bladder, so that pregnant women often awakened several times to chew.
At 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, hormones start progesteron stable. Rahim is no longer urgent bladder. Pregnant women will experience the period of sleep-the most delicious. There are almost no sleep disturbance at the age of this pregnancy.>
At 7-9 weeks of pregnancy, start going to sleep disturbances. There is a feeling of heat in the chest, feeling sick, nose, which clog, cramp in the leg down, more often chew make disrupt sleep quality and quantity of pregnant women. Approximately 97% of women will become more frequent and difficult night to sleep again. 30% of women who will never sleep with the snore snore.
  • The period of menopause. Hormone estrogen production starts to decline, making 30% -40% of women more often awakened in the middle of the night because a lot of sweat, feel the heart throb, or a sense of relief in the hot head and chest.

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