"If you drink alcohol more than two glasses a day, will suffer heart damage in 30 years. While drinking alcohol if it is uncontrollable, that damage will occur earlier, "said Professor Paul Haber from Sydney's Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Australia.
Liver cirrhosis occurs when the network form as a wound response to damage liver cells in a sequence. Injury is called fibrosis, which disrupt the flow of blood and prevent the heart working in the body's immune function, digestion, prevent thrombosis, and process the alcohol and other poisons.
What symptoms
There are no early symptoms of cirrhosis clearly visible on the liver. Cirrhosis occurs only when the damage is severe. Signs of illness:
- Skin and eye color of white colors.
- Fatigue.
- Stomach pain in the upper right.
- Appetite and body weight decreased.
- Bleeding because of decreased ability freezing.
- Legs or stomach swell.
- Breast up on men.
- Arise in the red whelk, or in the hands.
How treated
- There is no treatment for cirrhosis. You can stop the headway of disease and restore the damage to the heart if the treatment as early as possible.
- Stop alcohol consumption, treat Hepatitis B and C, exercise, and diet to control your body weight can restore a number of effects cirrhosis. That's advice. Jacob George, hepatolog from Sydney's Westmead Hospital.
- Medication can be given to certain people. When liver disease is already in the final stages, the last hope is a transplant.
- Liver transplantation can not be patient with cirrhosis because of alcohol and most still continue the bad habit.
- Increase the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer was increased depending on the cause of the disease.
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