Fungus infection in the mouth cavity? Perhaps not everyone had heard. What I like and fungus infections in the mouth, the infection is most often found, and what importance for our health?
Is the fungus infection can make the mouth?
True, fungi can cause infections in the mouth cavity. Fungus infection that occurs most often is an infection caused by Candida fungi, especially Candida albicans. Infections caused by fungi called Candida Candidiasis.
Why can Candida albicans in the oral cavity?
Candida albicans is the microorganisms that normally found in the mouth cavity. Oral cavity in 50% of a population of healthy people found Candida albicans. Usually, Candida albicans is often found in the back of the tongue surface. Candida albicans is often found at:
• Women's
• blood type is O
• The consumption of high carbohydrate diet
• Serostomia (dry mouth)
• Use of broad spectrum antibiotic drug
• Wearing dentures
• Smokers
• Patients with the body's defense interference
• Patients who were treated overnight
Like what Candidiasis picture in the mouth cavity?
Candidiasis in the mouth cavity there are several types. Often happens is that Candidiasis pseudomembranosa acute and Candidiasis associated with the use of false teeth (called Denture stomatitis). In the first type, a closed mouth looks soft layer of white. This white coating resembling or spillage susu susu head. If in the scrub, white layer is lost and can be found under the area of redness or color can also bleed. Candidiasis is the type often associated with the use of medication type antibiotics, steroid, and in patients with dry mouth conditions.
Candidiasis pesudomembranosa acute this can also occur in infants. It is important to note is that this type often found in patients with the body's defense system disturbances, such as in leukemia patients, other violence, HIV-positive patients and patients who are get immunosuppressive drugs (crushing defense response body).
Denture stomatitis is a type of Candidiasis is often found on the dentures. On this type, not the white layer of software but the reddish-colored area indicate the existence of inflammation, in the area a closed mouth false teeth. This type occurs more frequently in older people.
Candidiasis, what needs to be wary?
On healthy people, will not cause Candida infection because there is a balance between the fungi and bacteria in the mouth cavity. So, if Candida infection occurs, the need to alert the public health disturbances person. The need to be careful is the body's defense system disturbances, such as the HIV-positive patients. In the case of HIV infection, Candidiasis is not caused by infection HIVnya but because the decrease in the number of rows of white blood cell (limfosit CD4) that is useful in the body's defense against Candida infections.
Candidiasis, how to address them?
Candidiasis can often recover by itself, so the required anti-fungus treatment by a doctor or dentist. In addition, should also be done the following actions:
• Avoid or reduce consumption of cigarettes
• local factors, for example: the condition of dry mouth need to be addressed (consult with your doctor or your dentist)
• Maintain and repair the oral hygiene, dental hygiene, including false.
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