Health 4 Life

A Healthy Life With


Changes in the skin every 28 days

Posted by Health 4 Life

     Outermost layer of skin is the epidermis (stratum corneum) which is thin as onion skin. Underneath is a different organ that has been referred to earlier. The network is again in the thick of fat. The next layer of muscle (meat) and bones, which is not part of the skin. Once every 28 days the skin cells (from the article health) will make the changes or rejuvenate themselves. Skin cells that form spheroidal make rise to the surface of the skin and change the form of a gepeng, before eventually die and become part of the layer of epidermis.

     In the cases (from health articles) that ripen the skin, which otherwise occur. "Safeguard the cortex contains cells of living skin, the layer of the vessel and various gland, low. The epidermis layer is thick, because the cells in the skin of dead or dakinya continue to pile up," said Edwin Juanda.
     In article Edwin skin health is also a view that the right to remove the dead skin layer does not occur automatically, and will burn even if held in a long time. That is also the case, remove the skin needs to be done specifically, as clean skin care day-to-day course will not be able to remove dead skin.
     However, according to Edwin (articles of skin health), does not mean there is no hope for people with early penuaan get back healthy skin. There are several ways you can do. For example, The speck that is very small (freckles) can be removed with the release-use tool that is very smooth. "The speck To more accurately the wide use cream bleach be smeared in the night," he said. He reminded, the use of cream bleach must be done carefully and under the supervision of a doctor skin. The use of excessive, especially in a long time, thus making the skin look dark.

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